Monday, December 30, 2019

Drying up the New Year

1920 Ushered in With a Solemnity Born 
of the Dry Law
Quiet Celebrations Downtown, Except for those who carried drinks with them.
Streets Deserted Early
Crowds hurrying home from the watch-night services, only sign of life after midnight

January 1, 1920
       The new year literally sneaked in last night and Buffalo woke up this morning to find the year 1920 upon itself without as much as a headache. True it is that those who had some of the joy juice stashed away or obtain a bottle on the deposit of a right eye, became at least jocular during the course of the evening and early morning. The old time racket of those who were wont to cut capers in Main Street as the new year came in, were lacking last night. Those people who visited the Iroquois (Hotel) and Statler showed signs of real life.  All through the day and up to the times that the parties started, men were seen to follow the beaten path to the hotels, bearing queer sorts and sizes of packages, grips, valises, jugs and the like.  Most of the celebrations were held in the homes.  The streets were deserted shortly after midnight, except for the crowds hurrying home from watch-night services in the churches.
   The only apparent noise on the main stem previous to the sounding of the whistles at midnight was the raucous call of the street vendor in a vain effort to sell his ware. Mr. Young Man, who in previous years after someone had bought him a drink or two, occasioned up and bought almost anything, this year kept a heavy triple pad-lock on his pocket. Many vendors along Main Street were forced to go to their homes carrying almost as much of the New Year noise makers with them as they had brought downtown.  
   At five minutes before twelve at the Statler, Manager John Daniels had the lights in the banquet hall dimmed and as the old year passed out, Herter A. House, leader of the orchestra sounded taps. The year 1920 was ushered in with a sounding of a Chinese gong as two electric signs blasting 1920 were lighted.  At the Iroquois the whole hostelry was thrown into darkness for a moment and the new year was ushered in with a lively Jazz piece by the orchestra.  The cafe men in the downtown district reported it the most quiet celebration in their memory.  The bars were practically deserted.  
   The police, who were out in great numbers for occasions such as has been held in former years, had nothing to do last night. The number of drunks was exceedingly small, even though it was not made hard by the “revenoos” to get a drink last night. Some persons with the evident intent to play a prank on the police, reported a holdup in a saloon on Washington St. There was a hurry call to headquarters  and a dozen detectives headed by captain Zimmerman rushed to the number given by the complainants.  
   When Clarence Barton, the driver, reached Washington street he turned north and slowed down to look for the number given as the place of the holdup. He proceeded cautiously along the street only to find that the number given would be included in the block in which the Soldiers Monument stands. The police searched the neighborhood for a half hour then returned to headquarters." 

One hundred years ago New Years 1920 was a somber holiday poised on the "eve" of Prohibition which was to go into effect on January 17th. 1920. However, restrictions were already being levied at the direction of the courts and congress, due to the War Prohibition Act which the 18th Amendment fell under. Called into special session to declare war in April 1917, the new Congress adopted temporary wartime prohibition as a measure to conserve grain for the army, America's allies, and the domestic population. The Lever Food and Fuel Control Act of August 1917 banned the production of distilled spirits for the duration of the war. The War Prohibition Act of November 1918 forbade the manufacture and sale of all intoxicating beverages of more than 2.75 percent alcohol content, beer and wine as well as hard liquor, until demobilization was completed.   Breweries and distilleries were already winding down operations and planning transitions to alternative types of production in preparation for this inevitable day. Interests affected by this were challenging certain aspects of the Volstead Act and the War Prohibition Act in courts, especially the brewing industry.   
   The 18th Amendment ratified January 16, 1919, made no reference to alcohol content, citing only "intoxicating liquors for beverage purposes" as being illegal.  This gave many people the false impression that beer and even wine with their lower alcohol content were not considered intoxicating and thus be spared restrictions.  But the resulting Volstead Act (the actual set of laws drafted by Congress to enforce Prohibition)passed on October 28, 1919 set the legal alcohol limit at one-half of 1 percent.  The legal action that brought about the headline below was a brewer Jacob Ruppert to restrain the government from interfering with him manufacturing his beer with approximately 2.75 per cent alcohol, alleged to be non-intoxicating, and that Prohibition would not go into effect till January. It was ruled that the Amendment being under the War Prohibition Act was in effect because the WP Act could not be cancelled until full de-mobilization of the armed forces took place.
   Since the 18th amendment, the Food and Fuel Control Act, the War Prohibition Act and the Volstead Act all overlapped in enforcement, Prohibition was essentially in place since 1917, restricting the production, supply, transport and alcohol content of alcoholic beverages. So 1920 was the first New Years to be affected by Prohibition.  
   Things have changed a lot in regards to alcohol consumption as we approach 100 years since the 18th Amendment officially went into effect. For better or worse? Well that's a discussion for another time, but not here.

Decree of Highest Court Confirms Power of Congress to Fix Alcohol Content 
of Liquor that May Not Be Sold - Sustains Law Prohibiting the Manufacture or Sale 
of Beer Containing More Than Half of One Percent

   So enjoy your New Years Eve parties and celebrations for 2023. Be Safe, responsible and happy that you can enjoy your favorite beverages legally. 

  Happy New Year to All!

Wednesday, March 6, 2019

A Nickel and a Dream, The Bijou Dream Theatre

                Bijou Dream Theatre, Corner of Main and N. Division Streets - Courtesy of B&ECPL

   The Bijou Dream Theatre at 347 Main St. with the large number “5” on the side, was a nickelodeon that started operating by March 1908. A nickelodeon, was the first type of indoor exhibition space dedicated to showing projected motion pictures. Usually set up in converted storefronts, these small, simple theaters charged five cents for admission and flourished from about 1905 to 1915. Nickelodeons usually showed films about ten to fifteen minutes in length, and in a variety of styles and subjects, such as short narratives, "scenics" (views of the world from moving trains), "actualities" (precursors of later documentary films), illustrated songs, local or touring song and dance acts, comedies, melodramas, problem plays, stop action sequences, sporting events and other features which allowed them to compete with vaudeville houses.
    Nickelodeons were strong throughout the years 1905-1914. Statistics at the time show that the number of nickelodeons in the United States doubled between 1907 and 1908 to around 8000, and it was estimated that by 1910 as many as 26 million Americans visited these theaters weekly. Nickelodeons however, became victims of their own success as attendance grew rapidly, it necessitated larger auditoriums. With the advent of the feature film, and as cities grew and industry consolidation led to larger, more comfortable, lavish movie theaters. Longer films caused ticket prices to double from 5¢  to 10¢.  Although their heyday was relatively brief, nickelodeons played an important part in creating a specialized spectator, "the moviegoer,” who could now integrate going to the movies into his or her life in a way that was impossible before. The nickelodeon explosion also increased the demand for new films, as thousands of theaters needed new product.
    The Bijou Dream Theatre was operated by W.K. Killmier and presented continuous shows daily. It had one screen, 300 seats and closed around  1914.  The theatre was located at 347 Main St.,  corner of N. Division, where One M&T Plaza is now located. The sign atop the building, ”New Site for Bank of Buffalo” hints of it’s eventual fate, as in 1917 The Bank of Buffalo opened on that site.  Photo courtesy of B&ECPL  

The Bank of Buffalo Building was built on the site of the Bijou Dream Theatre & other Buildings
Buffalo History Gazette Collection

   The Bank of Buffalo was located at the north-east corner of North Division & Main St. and designed by McKim, Mead & White of New York. The bank opened on September 11, 1917.  It was built on the site of the old nickelodeon “Bijou Dream Theatre” and other buildings. The Bank of Buffalo was incorporated on January 25, 1873 and originally located at Main & Seneca St. The Bank was consolidated with the Marine Trust Company in 1920.   (Buffalo History Gazette Collection)

   For those who will be leaving a comment, be aware that they will not appear immediately. All comments are moderated by myself to screen out spam comments which are numerous. I check every few days so be patient, if on topic they will appear.  Spam comments will not be tolerated so please, don't waste your time.
Thank You - Jerry Malloy

Sunday, February 11, 2018

New York to Paris, The Great Auto Race of 1908

Thomas Flyer following trolley tracks somewhere in U.S.
  February 12th, 1908 is a date that will live on in automotive history.  Six automobiles from France, Italy, Germany, and the United States left New York City to begin a race around the world from N.Y. to Paris! 250,000 people cheered them on.
   The race was sponsored by the New York Times and Le Matin, a Paris newspaper. It was described as “the most fantastic, grueling, strenuous test ever devised for man and machine.” Held at a time when horses still shared the road with these less than reliable machines and many towns around the country and the world had never even seen an automobile yet!
  The audacity of a race of this magnitude, 22,000 miles, seemed incredible, especially when the average life of an auto in 1908 was about 10,000 miles, not to mention the idea of doing this in mid-winter!  Roads were very primitive, or non-existent, mostly dirt except around cities or large towns.  Where there were no roads they just went overland or on RR tracks. Cars were just expensive cantankerous toys for the wealthy then. The Thomas Flyer of the E.R. Thomas Motor Car Co. of Buffalo cost $4,000, or equivalent to $85,000 in todays money. If you wanted reliable transportation to get somewhere, you were better off with a horse. Predictions were that none of the cars would make it past Chicago.
Drivers being interviewed at the starting line in NY
    The original route was to take them to the West Coast, a ship to Alaska then drive across the frozen Bering Strait to Russia.  However Alaska turned out to be impossible to negotiate due to the lack of any roads.   The torturous New York to Paris Race route eventually became:  New York City to Albany, Chicago, San Francisco, Seattle, Valdez, Japan, Vladivostok, Omsk, Moscow, St. Petersburg, Berlin and Paris. 
  The Thomas Flyer Team covered three continents and over 22,000 miles in 169 days.  The 1908 Race was ultimately won by the American Buffalo made Thomas Flyer driven by George Schuster Sr. of Buffalo, NY. The feat has never been equaled. They still hold the world record over 110 years later! 

For the complete story watch the three videos below.

Cars waiting at the starting line in New York City

Thomas Flyer at the starting line in New York City

Following the trolley tracks somewhere in rural America

When roads weren't available or drivable the RR tracks were the next best thing

Digging the Thomas Flyer out with shovels

The going was not great on most parts of the route to Paris

Approaching the Rocky Mountains in Colorado

Native Americans posing with the Thomas Flyer out West

Thomas Flyer in Cheyenne Wyoming

Getting out of the mud in Siberia

The Thomas Flyer entering Berlin on July 27, the last city before the finish line in Paris

   For those who will be leaving a comment below, be aware that they will not appear immediately. All comments are moderated by myself to screen out spam comments which are numerous. I check every few days so be patient, if on topic they will appear. 
Thank You - Jerry Malloy

Tuesday, August 22, 2017

God Bless America! - The Misplaced Protests

Buffalo History Gazette Commentary

   With so many athletes disrespecting the Flag at sporting events, do they even know why?  The Flag symbolizes the United States of America one of the most free countries in the world.  That Flag gave them the right and opportunity to follow their dream and play a sport that has given them the immense wealth to do something good in the world. What is their gripe with that? If you're protesting what happened in Charlottesville, social injustice in general, fine, but that isn't the Flags fault or America's.
  Protest the relatively few people who participated in that or  other  confrontations and condemn THEM, not the Flag.  Better yet, if you're going to get down on your knees during the National Anthem then do so in PRAYER for those on both sides, so they might cleanse their hearts and see the senselessness of their actions. Then you would be kneeling for something. (See Tebow) PRAY for this country to be strong again in it's ideals. Unifying this country begins with you.  Remember, you are not slaves. That may have been part of our history 200 years ago when the original Anthem was written, but Americans don't own slaves anymore. Get over that. 

   Oliver Wendell Holmes amended the Star Spangled Banner during the Civil War by writing a 5th verse with tribute to their new found freedom. (see link below) Bigotry and hate will always exist in some form.  The flag doesn't represent social injustice. It GIVES you the freedom to protest against social injustice. You should be at the games praising the freedom that Flag represents and those that died to give you that right. Don't become part of the problem be part of the solution. Outside the stadium, go into the communities and help solve the injustices you feel are there. Make speeches, talk to groups and use your wealth to spur change that supports, but doesn't undermine the basic freedoms and human rights that we ALL presently enjoy.
   Human respect is what needs to be emphasized and that starts with each and every one of us. The American Flag and our National Anthem represents the people of America, and the very basis of our freedom. To protest the Flag is a protest against yourself, and an insult to me personally, for you and I are what makes up America and that Flag represents All Americans!  You are fighting the right battles but the wrong enemy. AMERICA is not your enemy. The divisiveness you have created is not going to solve the problems. If you truly hate this country however, then that Flag also gives you the freedom to leave any time you desire.
   President Trumps' comments were comments we needed to hear from someone who took an oath to defend and protect the Constitution of the United States. When he sees the open hatred and disrespect on display, it is an insult to him and millions of other Americans. You say he used strong language? Not strong enough in my opinion.  He reacted as any human being would who just got slapped in the face. Anything less from him would have been disappointing. He is a strong leader that speaks his mind no holds barred. It is great to see a "real" person in office for a change, instead of a politically manipulated robot.  Very refreshing. 

   Remember this - On Sunday 52 million Americans went to church where everyone is welcomed and we all drink from the same cup. 62 million Americans volunteer in any given year, and 83% of American adults give to charity. 145 million Americans went to work today where people of every race, gender, ethnicity, religious belief, orientation, and ability, get along just fine. America is not those few hundreds who hate; it is those tens of millions who don't.  Let's keep our perspective.  

Jerry M. Malloy

The 5th Verse of The Star Spangled Banner

When our land is illum'd with Liberty's smile,
If a foe from within strike a blow at her glory,
Down, down, with the traitor that dares to defile
The flag of her stars and the page of her story!
By the millions unchain'd who our birthright have gained
We will keep her bright blazon forever unstained!
And the Star-Spangled Banner in triumph shall wave
While the land of the free is the home of the brave.

 Link with Full Story and Video

School 60 Buffalo NY - 1918